What is psychotherapy?
Psychotherapy is a verbal process of modification and transformation of personal aspects of oneself (behavior, relationships, cognitions, emotions, health, self-integration, etc.), promoting awareness, freedom of decision and the progress with the personal difficulties that the subject suffers. The word is used as an essential instrument and the healing factor depends largely on the therapeutic relationship with your psychologist. Psychotherapy does not presuppose a specific orientation, and can be of different modalities. Any well-executed psychotherapy must produce therapeutic changes that will vary in type and durability.
The Spanish Federation of Associations of Psychotherapists (FEAP) defines it as “Any treatment of a psychological nature that, based on psychological or physical manifestations of human suffering, promotes the achievement of changes or modifications in behavior, relationships, cognitions, adaptation to the environment. , physical and psychological health, integration of psychological identity and in general the best balance and bio-psycho-social well-being of people and groups such as the couple or the family” (FEAP Definition, approved in 1993).